iPhone यूजर्स को 9,000 का कंपनसेशन देगी एप्पल, कोर्ट के आदेश के बाद शुरू होगा डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन

[ad_1] Apple paying compensation: कनाडा में कुछ iPhone यूजर्स ने अपने आईफोन के अचानक स्लो डाउन…

Indian Man Critically Injured In Dubai’s Bus Crash Awarded Over Rs 11 Crores As Compensation

[ad_1] An Indian man who was critically injured in a bus crash in Dubai in 2019…

The salary of the CEO of this Tata group company is in crores, you will be surprised to know

[ad_1] Big companies of the world give hefty salaries to their top executives. Often the salary…

What Is Korea-Japan Dispute Over Wartime Forced Labor — All You Need To Know

[ad_1] South Korea on Monday announced the proposal of a resolution to put an end to…