​इस राज्य की सरकार का अजीबोगरीब फैसला, स्कूल देंगे क्वेश्चन पेपर छात्रों को घर से लानी होगी आंसर शीट

[ad_1] <p style="text-align: justify;">अकसर आपने सुना और देखा होगा कि जब भी किसी स्कूल में एग्जाम…

Board Exam के बाद का स्ट्रेस ऐसे करें हैंडल, रिजल्ट की चिंता से यूं रखें खुद को मुक्त

[ad_1] How To Handle Board Exam Result Stress: बिहार बोर्ड को छोड़कर अभी लगभग सभी बोर्ड्स…

Why is it important to get enough sleep before the exam? Know the disadvantages of lack of sleep in 5 points

[ad_1] Sleep is important before exam: Nowadays board exams are going on. Some children have this…

I will not be able to make 95%… By saying this, the 10th class girl gave her life! Parents must read this news

[ad_1] How To Deal With Exam Pressure: Khushbu, a Class 10 student from Dausa, Rajasthan, committed…

One week before the board exam, focus more on these than studies, this is how toppers prepare

[ad_1] Board Exam Last Week Preparation Tips: This is the time of board exams. Exams of…