वॉलेट में कंडोम रखने से खराब हो जाते हैं? जानें क्या है पूरा सच

[ad_1] <p>कुछ लोग कंडोम को अपने बटुए में रखते हैं ताकि इंटीमेसी के वक्त उन्हें इधर-उधर…

What should pregnant women do if there is a child in the womb, what do the scriptures and beliefs say

[ad_1] Pregnancy, Garbh Sanskar: The history of medicine in India can be traced back to the…

If you have become pregnant by mistake, then in this way you can get rid of unwanted pregnancy at home.

[ad_1] Unwanted Pregnancy: Nowadays, after marriage, most of the couples take some time for the planning…