10 मिनट स्पॉट जॉगिंग या 45 मिनट वॉक कौन सी है बेहतर, जानें इसके फायदे

[ad_1] आजकल की भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से हेल्दी और फिट रहने…

खाना खाने के बाद वॉक करना सही है या नहीं? कितने मिनट चलना है सही?

[ad_1] पैदल चलना या वॉक करने को सबसे बेस्ट एक्सरसाइज माना जाता है. कई रिसर्च में…

Is walking or running better for health? Know how both are effective for health

[ad_1] Experts always recommend walking and running to stay healthy and fit for a long time.…

On the ground or on the treadmill… If you want to lose weight fast, then what is better? here is the answer

[ad_1] Treadmill vs Walking : Often there is a question in the mind that walking or walking…

Sleeping immediately after eating food is dangerous for health! Know why it is important to walk 100 steps after every meal?

[ad_1] Due to today’s bad lifestyle and food, people are facing many diseases. Some wrong habits…

Will not exercise and calories will also be burnt… just follow these tips quickly

[ad_1] Walking Benefits: People exercise to stay fit. Experts say that the number of calories a…

The desire to live long will be fulfilled… You will be able to live a healthy life by walking this many steps every day

[ad_1] How To Live Long: No matter how long the life is, but it must be…

Walking for so many minutes every day will increase the age, the shocking revelation in the study

[ad_1] Morning Walking Benefits: It is very important to have the right lifestyle for a better…

Brisk Walk For 11 Minutes Or More Everyday Can Lower Risk Of Early Death: Study

[ad_1] A daily brisk walk for 11 minutes or more can lower the risk of early…

Five Minutes Walk: Take a resolution to walk for 5 minutes every 30 minutes, the body will get these benefits

[ad_1] Five Minute Walk Benefits: A new research suggests that walking for five minutes every half…