अगर आप भी यूज करते हैं iPhone तो हो जाएं सावधान! सरकार ने जारी किया अलर्ट, जानें डिटेल्स

[ad_1] Apple iPhone: देश में एप्पल आईफोन के यूजर्स के लिए सरकार ने अलर्ट जारी किया…

These people will get huge discounts on Macs and iPad, as well as free Air Pods

[ad_1] Apple’s Back to University offers: If you study in school or college and are thinking…

Special features of Apple’s annual event WWDC 2023, know in detail

[ad_1] Apple Event 2023: Apple’s annual event on June 5 was the first day of the…

Apple Vision Pro’s entry, know what is it and what will be of use?

[ad_1] Apple Event 2023: Vision Pro is introduced along with the exterior camera, it gives you…

iOS 17 announced, typing will be easier with amazing features

[ad_1] Apple WWDC 2023: Apart from MacBook, Apple also launched its new operating system iOS 17.…

Apple stopped selling these 2 laptops for this reason, launching in 2021 only

[ad_1] Apple MacBook: Only last month, Apple has launched MacBook Pro with sizes of 14 inches…