एंटीवायरस से जु़ड़े ये 5 टर्म्स समझते हैं आप? जानें किसकी क्या है भूमिका

[ad_1] सैन्डबॉक्सिंग (Sandboxing): यह एक प्रोसेस है जिसमें सॉफ़्टवेयर को एक सैन्डबॉक्स में चलाया जाता है,…

How to select the right antivirus software? Before buying, understand here what are the important factors

[ad_1] The security of any device running on the Internet is very important, so that hackers…

Computer Hacked: If these signs appear on the system, then understand that your computer has been hacked.

[ad_1] Computer Hacked: If these signs appear on the system, then understand that your computer has…