5 साल में सबसे कम हुआ अडानी का कर्ज, यहां करने जा रहे हैं मोटा निवेश

[ad_1] <p>गौतम अडानी की अगुवाई वाले अडानी समूह ने बीते कुछ समय में तेजी से अपने…

Payment of $ 200 million, now Adani has repaid the debt of this company

[ad_1] Adani Group has been repaying the loans with great speed for the last few months.…

23 billion dollars to be repaid in 3-4 years, here rests the hopes of Adani group

[ad_1] The Adani Group, which has been facing controversies since January, has prepared a plan to…