Bollywood actress Swara Bhaskar recently surprised everyone by disclosing her marriage on social media. She is married to Samajwadi Party leader Fahad Ahmed. While on one hand many people are happy for this pair and are giving them blessings, on the other hand some people are questioning this pair and making memes. Well, in the midst of all this, today we tell you how much educated Swara Bhaskar’s groom Raja Fahad Ahmed is and how big his degree is in comparison to Swara Bhaskar.
What is the educational qualification of Fahad Ahmed?
Fahad Ahmed is the leader of the Samajwadi Party, but before that he has also been a student leader. He has achieved many big degrees in his student life. Even he has been very active in student politics, that is why he has got this place in Samajwadi Party today. Talk about Fahad Ahmed’s educational qualification, he has taken graduation and M.Phil degree from Ligarh Muslim University. Along with this, he is still pursuing his doctoral studies. Fahad Ahmed was also associated with Tata Institute of Social Sciences after his studies. In the year 2018, Fahad was also elected as the general secretary of the student union here.
What is the educational qualification of Swara Bhaskar?
Swara Bhaskar is not only a Bollywood actress, but she has also been a good student. This is the reason why he has got education from those universities, where taking admission is the dream of lakhs of students. Swara did her schooling from Sardar Patel School in Delhi. After this Swara Bhaskar graduated in English Literature from Miranda House College of Delhi University and after that she did MA in Sociology from JNU. Let me tell you, Swara Bhaskar’s mother is a professor in JNU. Whereas, his father has been in the Navy.
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