Clogged Arteries: Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen recently became a victim of heart attack. His fans were quite surprised as soon as this news came to the fore. However, the actress is completely fine now. Sushmita also informed everyone about her recovery by coming live on Instagram. He told his fans that he had up to 95% blockage in his heart. But he got a lot of benefit through gym and workouts.
The actress says that nowadays many youths are having heart attacks. I want to tell all of them to take care of themselves and keep monitoring themselves. But the heart attack that came to Sushmita has also raised many questions in the hearts of the people. In such a situation, let us know how the arteries of the heart can be prevented from closing.
1. Control food and drink: If you are fond of food, then you have to take care of some things. You should not stress on filling your plate completely. Insist on eating a little less. Eat food made from non-starchy vegetables like cabbage, cucumber, brinjal, carrot, tomato etc. Consume protein too.
2. Eat fat food carefully: Use olive oil, coconut oil or ghee instead of the oil used for cooking. Eat foods rich in MUFA (monounsaturated fat) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) like nuts, seeds, sea fish etc. Avoid butter, salad dressing, sweets etc as they are rich in cholesterol and trans fat.
3. Eat a variety of proteins: Chicken, eggs, fish, tofu, peas, lentils, etc. are good sources of proteins that benefit the heart. Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and work to reduce many heart problems. Try to include them in every meal.
4. Include Carbs: A variety of fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber, along with whole grains such as oats, brown rice and quinoa. They keep your stomach full for a long time and help in maintaining the blood sugar level. Avoid drinking sweet things, due to which your blood sugar level can increase immediately.
5. Reduce salt intake: Consuming too much salt is harmful for blood pressure. Avoid including salt in your diet. Also, avoid eating salt-rich pickles and fried things. Instead, use a variety of spices and herbs to make your food tastier.
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