Stinging and pain in the throat while swallowing food or drinking water is the cause of dysphagia


Swallowing problem: Difficulty in swallowing after eating food or taking any beverage and after swallowing that food reaches the stomach and goes down with a strange prick. Almost every person has this problem at some point or the other. This problem is called dysphagia in medical language. Some people get cured in a few days after getting this problem while some need medicines. However, in some cases, this problem keeps coming back. Learn about its causes and treatment here…

having trouble swallowing

  • Throat-like feeling while eating or drinking
  • Sore throat and prickling when swallowing food
  • coughing while swallowing
  • There can also be two types of problems in swallowing food. The first is that the food is pricked or stuck in the throat and the second is that after coming out of the throat, it is pricked while going into the stomach.
  • These two conditions are known by different names. is the first. The problem that occurs in the mouth and throat is called oropharyngeal dysphagia. Whereas the problem occurring in the lower part of the throat is called esophageal dysphagia.

Why there is problem in swallowing

When there is a problem with the cells of the esophagus, there may be pain like a stinging in the chest when swallowing or swallowed food. Esophagus is the part of our digestive system and it is a tube that connects the throat to the digestive system. Through this the ingested food reaches the digestive system. This problem of swallowing is called dysphagia but it is not necessary that there is always a medical reason for dysphagia. The problems that arise during this are as follows…

  • pain when swallowing food
  • Swallowed food or liquid repeatedly stuck in the windpipe
  • swallowed liquid gets into the nose
  • Always having trouble swallowing the first bite while having a meal

what is the solution

  • If the problem of dysphagia is happening to you again and again, then you must definitely contact the doctor. Because sometimes it can also be an early symptom or sign of a problem like a neurological disease or stroke.
  • The treatment of this problem depends on the cause of the disease. The reason for which this problem is happening, by treating it, this disease is cured.

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