So by preparing like this you will get success in IES exam.


Tips for IES Exam Preparation: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts Engineering Services Examination (IES) every year. This exam is conducted for recruitment to engineering services in India. Lakhs of students in the country are preparing to give this exam. As the competition for this exam is increasing, it becomes extremely important to upgrade your exam preparation strategy. Let us know the UPSC IES exam pattern and some special preparation tips.

UPSC IES exam is conducted for 4 categories of recruitment, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. The examination is divided into three phases: Preliminary Examination, Written Examination and Interview. There are 2 parts in the preliminary exam. Both have objective type multiple choice questions. The Main Examination is a written examination consisting of 2 papers. The syllabus includes subjects from Civil Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.

Aspirants preparing for UPSC IES preliminary exam must cover important topics related to Social, Economic and Industrial Development Engineering Aptitude, issues of national and international importance, services, innovative equipment, innovation production, importance of safety standards in production etc.

must read current affairs

Current Affairs and General Awareness questions will be asked in UPSC IES Exam, but the level of questions will be such that a candidate having basic knowledge can answer them. Prepared candidates must understand what is going on in the country and the world. Candidates read daily newspaper for the preparation of current events. Check out great debates related to exams. Use general knowledge books. Candidates can also read current affairs magazine.

Preparation according to syllabus

UPSC Technical subjects are most important in IES exam. Be ready for this section. If you are a graduate in technical subjects, then you do not need to work so hard. Each technical subject has a different syllabus, so prepare according to the syllabus. Strengthen the technical section with the help of syllabus.

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