So because of this, women have difficulty in losing weight as compared to men.


Weight Loss For Women:Have you ever noticed that women often face difficulty in losing weight, if you look closely, you will find that a couple starts losing weight together, but it is more difficult for a woman to lose weight than a man, In fact, the metabolic rate of women is less than that of men, women use less calories for physical work and the remaining calories are stored in the body in the form of fat, while men have more muscles than fat in their body. , Because of which their body mass index decreases, so if you are following the same routine of eating and drinking, men lose weight faster than women, let’s know more reasons for this.

Fat is more in women-Women have more body fat than men, this is because women give birth to children, breastfeed, for this extra fat is needed. This is the reason that men’s metabolism is three to 10 percent faster than that of women, research has also found that despite giving the same diet to men and women, the former turned out to be better in terms of weight loss.

MenopauseWomen also have to go through menopause, during which there is damage to muscles and bones, due to which the amount of fat in the body increases, after menopause, there are testosterone hormones in the body of women, which become more effective during this time. Are.

Women are emotional-There is a very close relationship between women and emotions, women take anything to heart. Now when women come in emotion, the body goes through many hormonal changes, this makes it difficult to reduce fat and lose weight.

Lack of lean musclesPeople who have lean muscles are able to burn more calories than others, men have more lean muscles than women which helps in burning more calories without more cells than women.

Habit of emotional eatingWomen have more habit of emotional eating as compared to men, apart from this, when women come close to menstrual cycle or during periods, the craving for food and drink increases, fast food, chocolate, etc. women eat a lot during this time, which Weight loss becomes an obstacle.

Increase in hormone levelsMen and women have different types of hormones. There is a hormone found in women named Ghrelin, research suggests that the level of this hormone increases after workouts in women, due to which women start eating more.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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