Singer Mary Millben To Perform During PM Modi’s Events In United States


Renowned international singer Mary Millben has been invited to participate in Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India’s Official State Visit to the United States, which will take place from June 21 to June 23, a media release said Monday. The invitation, extended by Ruchira Kamboj, Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations, will see Mary Millben attending the 9th International Day of Yoga at the UN Headquarters (UNHQ) in New York on June 21, where she will join Prime Minister Modi on the UNHQ North Lawn.

According to Millben, she is looking forward to Prime Minister Modi’s arrival because this visit is critical to the US-India relationship, which she considers to be the most important alliance in the world today. The singer expressed her gratitude to the Steering Committee for the Prime Minister’s Official State Visit and emphasized the two countries’ shared values ​​of unity, democracy, and freedom.

“I look forward to welcoming Prime Minister Modi for this first event in the United States,” Millben said. “I look forward to joining United Nations General Assembly President Csaba Korosi, (India’s) Ambassador (to the UN) Ruchira Kamobj, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams,” she added.

She has also been invited to perform at the Indian Diaspora event on June 23 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington.

“I want to thank the Steering Committee for the thoughtful invitation. One earth, one family, one future – the motto of the G20 Summit this year and a timely statement as we welcome the Prime Minister to the United States next week,” she said. .

“This motto encapsulates the spirit of the vital democratic alliance between the United States and India. It is an honor to perform for this meaningful gathering of the Diaspora in Washington, DC to welcome Prime Minister Modi,” she said.

Millben has been praised for her bipartisan platform, but her greatest impact has been her use of music to unite and promote patriotism around the world, having performed the National Anthem and patriotic music for four consecutive US Presidents – President George W. Bush, President Barack Obama, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, international royalty, and world leaders.

Her virtual performance of the Indian National Anthem for the 74th Anniversary of India’s Independence Day in 2020, as well as the treasured Hindu hymn ‘Om Jai Jagdish Hare’ for the 2020 Diwali observance, have been praised and viewed by millions across the US, India , and the world.


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