Shani Dev: No matter what happens in the country or in the world, whatever happens to anyone, your planets are behind it. Everyone wants that animal. The influence of the planets falls on everyone, whether human or animal. Every animal or human being lives under the influence of planets. In this, today we will talk about the dog, the dog is considered most suitable for keeping Shani, Rahu, Ketu planets calm.
It is believed that keeping a dog pacifies the planets Shani, Rahu, Ketu. The dog takes your negative energy inside itself. That’s why keeping a dog in the house has been said to be very beneficial. It is believed in astrology that if you keep a black dog in your house, then all your planets become pacified by it. Let us know what things you should take special care of if you keep a dog at home.
never kill a dog
It is absolutely true that a dog should never be killed because Shani Dev is pleased by serving a dog, whereas if you kill a dog, Shani Dev can get angry.
feed the dog
It is believed that the dog should be fed bread smeared with mustard oil. By feeding bread to a dog, Shani Dosh is removed and big troubles are averted.
serve the dog
A dog should be served, for this you can keep a dog at home, if you cannot keep a dog, then you can serve the dog outside, feed it and give it water.
Benefits of having a dog at home
Saturn and Ketu are pacified by keeping a dog in the house. It is believed that the dog destroys your negative energy. If you are affected by any evil eye, then the dog ends that too. Black dogs are influenced by the planets Shani and Ketu.
Just like you serve the cow and feed bread or fodder to the cow, in the same way you should serve the dog also, it gives virtue. Shani Dev is pleased by helping any person or animal and always keeps his blessings on you.
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