ICMAI CMA Result 2022 Released: Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICMAI) has released the result of Inter and Final June term examination. The candidates who appeared in this examination can check their result by visiting the official website icmai.in and can also download it from there. Result link has been activated. To view the result, candidates will need to enter the registration number and the requested information.
when was the exam
The Intermediate and Final exam by ICMAI CMA was started from 27th June 2022 and ended on 3rd July 2022. The exam was conducted in two shifts. The first shift was from 10 am to 1 am and the second shift was from noon and 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. For any kind of information related to the result, candidates can take the help of the official site.
how to check result
- Visit the official website of Institute of Cost Accountants of India at icmai.in.
- After that click on ‘Check Result Link’.
- Click on the Examination menu of the website.
- Then click on ICMAI Inter and Final June 2022 term Result 2022 link.
- Now enter the registration number and the requested information.
- The result will appear on your screen.
- Candidates can download or print the result for future reference.
Exam Details
The students who will pass in the Inter examination will have to appear in the final examination. These exams are conducted twice a year. For this, one has to register for the examination to be held in June or December.,
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