Surrogacy Myths: In the year 2022, surrogacy was Googled a lot. Surrogacy is also called surrogacy in common language. Actually, when couples are not able to have a child due to any reason or they have any health problem, then they become parents through surrogacy. There are also many social taboos and myths regarding surrogacy. If a couple thinks of opting for surrogacy, then after listening to the myths going on in the society, they get scared and start avoiding it. Today, through this article, know some common myths related to surrogacy and their truth.
These are some common myths regarding surrogacy
The surrogate mother is always the biological mother of the child.
This is one of the biggest myths about surrogacy. It is not necessary that the surrogate mother is always the biological mother of the child. Surrogate mother is called the mother of children when traditional surrogacy has been opted. In this, the father’s sperm is mixed with the surrogate mother’s egg. Whereas in gestational surrogacy, the sperm and egg of the father are placed in the womb of the surrogate mother. In this situation the parents are the ones who opt for surrogacy.
Surrogacy is for women who want to maintain their figure
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According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, most women opt for surrogacy when they are not able to bear a child. Pregnancy and becoming a mother is a personal decision. It is absolutely wrong to say that surrogacy is chosen only by women who want to maintain their figure. Most of the couples opt for surrogacy when they are not able to have children or are struggling with some health related problem.
Surrogacy is only a talk of the rich
Many people believe that surrogacy is only for rich people, which is absolutely wrong. The cost of surrogacy is not fixed. It can be more or less both. It depends on what the surrogate mother’s care, hospital expenses and surrogate mother’s fees, etc. all fit.
no relation with child
It cannot be denied that pregnancy creates a unique bond between mother and child. But, this does not mean that it is difficult for the parents to relate to the child born through surrogacy. When the child is born through surrogacy, it is handed over to the parents for skin-to-skin contact and from here gradually the relationship begins to form.
It is necessary to make relationship in surrogacy
There is also a common myth that it is necessary to build a relationship in surrogacy, which is not correct. Actually, through IVF technique, the sperm and sperm of the parents are inserted into the uterus of the surrogate mother. There is no such thing as making a connection in this.
Anyone can become a surrogate mother
Actually, the government has made some rules for surrogacy and there are some medical conditions for it. A woman can become a surrogate mother only if she is below 35 years of age, married and has 1 child already.
surrogacy 100% effective
It is not necessary that surrogacy is 100% effective. The sperm of a man and the sperm of a woman cannot be guaranteed. Because they decide how the child will be. If there is any deficiency in the sperm and sperm of either of the two, then it affects the children. However, through IVF technique, it proves to be effective up to 95%.
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