Radha Krishna: You must have heard the love story a lot. Everywhere the name of Radha-Krishna comes first. In Puranas, the love of Radha and Krishna has been told not of this world but of the hereafter. It is believed that from the beginning of creation and even after the end of creation, both reside in Goloka. You must have heard some stories of Radha-Krishna. But do you know that Radha became unconscious after seeing Krishna for the first time. Let’s know the story behind this.
How and where was Radha and Krishna’s first meeting
Radha Krishna’s first meeting took place in Gokul Nagar of Mathura. This incident is of childhood, when both Radha and Krishna were in childhood. One day Radha went to see Krishna playing with other Gopis. When Radha saw Krishna for the first time, they were attracted to each other. There was a voice in his heart. The charm of Krishna is wonderful. After this, Radha became insensible after getting engrossed in Krishna’s talent, qualities, and pastimes. When Radha Krishna fell in love, this thing spread like a fire in the entire Brajmandal, through this couplet this Leela has been shown-
When Shyam fell in love, the world came to know.
Everyone should say look at this, what a lovely love.
How Radha and Krishna’s love started
Krishna also became engrossed in Radha’s love and they both started playing and meeting with each other. The love of Radha Krishna is very spiritual and pure. Their love story has a special significance, as it symbolizes the union of two souls, which ultimately await the non-dual relationship between the divine and the soul. The love story of Radha Krishna reveals the greatness of devotion and love in Hinduism. The description of the first meeting of Krishna and Radha is found in the Bhagavata Purana and other Puranas. You can understand Radha’s love by this couplet-
Shyam I am your Radha, make this promise to me.
Never leave my side, you will never go away.
what were Radha’s feelings towards Krishna
After the first meeting, readiness and love expressed in Radha’s heart. A glimpse of love and attraction was visible in Radha’s eyes. She was attracted to Krishna and was looking into his eyes. There was a glow of joy and love in Radha’s voice. After this attraction, Radha’s mind was filled with complete love and enthusiasm. Krishna touched Radha’s heart. In the moments of their meeting, Radha lost herself in the love of Krishna. This was the beginning of their love story.
Thus, the first meeting of Radha and Krishna was the beginning of the legend of their spiritual and ideal love, which reveals the characteristic of their immense love and union.
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