Preeclampsia should not become dangerous for mother and child, most in pregnancy


Preeclampsia: Pregnancy is the most special moment for a woman. During this, the special care of the mother is also most important. At this time, the health of the woman will remain the same, it can affect the health of the child as well. That’s why health experts advise the mother to do better diet and exercise. Pregnancy is that time for a woman, when the woman is at risk of many problems. There is a need to be careful about this. At this time many women fall in the grip of diabetes. Some conditions are also such, due to which the risk of blood pressure problem can also increase. This is called Preeclampsia. Let us know what is this problem and how it can be avoided.

what is preeclampsia

Preeclampsia can occur in the 20th week of pregnancy or after delivery. Due to this problem, apart from high blood pressure, there can be high protein in the urine, which can cause kidney damage or damage to any other organ. There is also a risk of eclampsia due to this disease. This is kind of a serious situation. In this both mother and child can have problems. In some cases it can even be fatal. To take care of mother and child, it is most important to know this problem and understand its treatment.

symptoms of preeclampsia

1. Extra protein in urine or kidney problems.

2. Decreased level of platelets in the blood.

3. Increase in liver enzymes, which can be a sign of liver disease.

4. Severe headache, vision problems, blurred vision.

5. Breathing problem due to liquid in the lungs.

6. Pain in the upper abdomen.

7. Pain under the ribs on the right side.

cause of preeclampsia

1. There can be many reasons for preeclampsia. According to health experts, starting in the placenta, it provides nutrition to the fetus during pregnancy. New blood vessels develop in the beginning of pregnancy. This supplies oxygen and other essential elements to the placenta.

2. Blood vessels are not able to develop in women suffering from preeclampsia. Because of this, the blood pressure becomes irregular and there may be problems in blood circulation. Health can also be affected by this.

3. Chronic high BP, diabetes problem before pregnancy, kidney disease or autoimmune disorder can occur in this disease.

How to take care of baby’s health in preeclampsia

Arteries are affected in preeclampsia. In such a situation, if the fetus does not get enough blood, then its development can be affected. Because of this, there can be a risk of many diseases. This is also one of the reasons for premature birth. The doctor says that to avoid this problem, lifestyle and diet should be kept right. Because of both these things, you can avoid the dangers of this disease. For more information, a health expert should be consulted.

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