Pradosh vrat 2022: When is Som Pradosh Vrat? Why this fast is observed in Marshish Krishna Paksha


Margashirsha Pradosh 2022 Vrat: Pradosh Vrat is considered very special to please Lord Shiva. According to Shiv Purana, fasting of Pradosh Vrat is like a boat to cross for a person who is mentally, physically, unhappy and suffering from poverty. Pradosh fast of Krishna Paksha of Marshish month will be observed on 21 November 2022. This time this fast is very special because on this day Monday is falling, which is considered to be the day of Lord Shiva. This fast will be called Som Pradosh.

According to the scriptures, on the day of Pradosh, all the gods, Gandharva, Brahma Betal, divine souls merge in the Shivling in their subtle form. It is said that the sins of many births are destroyed by just seeing Shivling in Pradosh period on Trayodashi date. It is believed that the person who recites Pradosh stotra described in Skanda Purana during the worship of Pradosh Vrat, Shiva takes away all his troubles and he gets success in every work. Let’s know the recitation of Pradosh Stotra.

Method of reciting Shiv Pradosh stotram (Shiv pradosh stotram path vidhi)

  • This lesson can be done anytime in the morning or evening on the day of Pradosh Vrat, but if it is done during Pradosh period then Bholenath becomes happy soon.
  • Before reciting, worship Shivling with flowers, sandalwood, Ganges water. Then start this lesson by lighting eight or twelve faced lamps.
  • Do not hurry while reading the text. Wrong pronunciation of words does not yield results.

Pradosh Stotrashtak text (Pradosh Ashtakam)

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सत्यं ब्रविमि परलोकहितं ब्रव्रिम सरं ब्रविम्युपणिषद्ध्र०यं ब्रमिमि।

Sansarmulbanamsaramvaapya Janto: Saro’yamishwarpadamburuhasya service ॥

Ye Narchayanti Girisham Samaye Pradoshe, Ye Nachitam Shivampi Pranamanti Chanye.

Etatkathan Shrutiputairn Pibanti Mudhaaste, Janmajanmasu Bhavanti Nara Daridra: ॥

Ye vai pradossamye paramesvarasya, kurvantyananyamanasanghrisarojpujam.

निट्यं प्रिध्धन्धन्यकलत्रपुत्र सौभाग्य सम्पद्धिकास्ट इहाव लोके॥

Kailasaivabhuvane Trijagajjaninitri Gauri investment Kankachiratnapeethe.

Nrityam Vidhatumbhivanchhati Shulpanau Deva: Pradoshasamaye nu bhajanti survey ॥

Vagdevi Dhritavallaki Shatamkho Venu Dadhatpadmajastalonnidrakaro Rama Bhagwati Geypryogaanvita.

Vishnu: Sandramridangvadanpayurdeva: Samantatsthitah, Sevente Tamanu Pradoshsamye Devan Mridanipatam ॥

Gandharvayakshapatgorg-Siddha-Sadhva-Vidyadharam Ravarapsarasan Ganasch.

These three worlds: Sahabhootvarga: Pratesh Pradosh Samaye Harparshva Sanstha: ॥

Hence Pradoshe Shiv Ek Eva Pujyoth Nanye Haripadmajadya.

Tasminmaheshe vidhinejyamane survey prasidanti suradhinatha: ॥

Esh te tanay: Purvajanmani brahminottam:.

प्रतिग्रहैर्वयो निन्ये न दानाद्यः सुकर्मभिः॥

Ato Daridryamapan: Putraaste Dwijbhamini.

Taddoshpariharartham Sharanan Yatu Shankaram ॥

, Pradoshstotrashtak Sampoornam in the context of Shriskanda Purana.

Morning Tips: Do not do this work even after waking up in the morning, Lakshmi ji will get angry, you will not get success

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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