Potato fritters will not absorb much oil, just follow these easy tips


Monsoon has knocked in many parts of the country. With the onset of monsoon, people have got relief from the scorching heat to a great extent. To enjoy the rainy season, most people like to make different types of dishes at home. The most eaten dish in this season is ‘Pakodas’. The combination of rain and tea-pakoras hardly seems useless to anyone. However, due to being oily, some are seen keeping distance from it and even if they want to, they are not able to enjoy it in the rainy season. However, if you know the right way to make pakodas, then pakodas will never absorb too much oil. 

We often make some such mistakes while making pakodas, due to which they become very oily. There is so much oil in them that it starts dripping when squeezed. Now just imagine how bad will be the health be affected by eating so much oil? If you want the pakoras to absorb minimum oil and it can be eaten without worrying about health, then definitely follow these easy tips.

Follow these simple tips

Dry the potatoes well: Most people make this mistake while making pakoras. They start making pakodas of wet potatoes only. While potato dumplings should always be made after drying them. Because wet potatoes absorb more oil.

Keep the slices in medium size: While cutting potatoes, always keep in mind that its slices are neither too thick nor too thin. If the slices are too thin, the pakodas will absorb more oil.

Use of rice flour: Most of the people make pakoras using gram flour only. While 24 percent of rice flour should also be kept in gram flour. Prepare a batter by mixing these two and then make fritters in it. Due to this the pakoras will absorb less oil.

Add salt to oil: You have rarely heard of adding salt to oil before. However, this method can prove to be helpful in saving the pakodas from absorbing too much oil. Before making pakodas, heat oil in a pan. Then put some salt in the hot oil. By doing this, the fritters will get fried quickly from inside and will not absorb more oil.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or related expert.

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