Pollution is slowly taking you closer to death! These diseases can be seen in the body


Air Pollution Health Diseases: Every year in the capital of India, Delhi, pollution becomes a major problem during the winter season. AQI goes beyond 400-500. Despite all the efforts of the governments, every year people have to face the problems of pollution. Delhi is among the most polluted cities in the world. The mist that spreads here in the winter season is not called ‘fog’ (fog) but ‘smog’, because the level of pollution becomes so high that visibility also decreases in the morning. Most of the people who come in contact with pollution also have to face various physical problems. But did you know that prolonged exposure to pollution can cause heart and neurological problems? Yes you are listening right. If you also remain in contact with polluted air for a long time, then it can cause cardiac arrest, stroke and gastric problems.

pollution a slow poison

A new study conducted in the United Kingdom (UK) confirms that air pollution is like a slow poison. You may not feel the effect of this pollution now, but in the coming time you may suffer seriously from the problems related to it. This UK study shows that the effects of air pollution are hidden in the form of everyday diseases, which you ignore as a common problem. Researchers studied health data from the UK Biobank and found that people living in polluted areas were more likely to have more than one chronic disease. This study was done by analyzing the health data of more than 3,60,000 people aged 40 to 69 years.

Can give birth to long term diseases

In this alarming study, it was found that many neurological, respiratory and heart related diseases can arise in people exposed to air pollution. Apart from this, they can also be affected by deterioration of mental health like depression and stress etc. On the basis of this study, it can be said that air pollution can give rise to many long term diseases and affect the lives of people.

Why does ‘pollution’ happen in Delhi?

Every year at the beginning of winter, Delhi always remains a topic of discussion regarding its pollution level. The air quality here deteriorates to a great extent. There are many factors that contribute to the toxic air in Delhi. One of these reasons is stubble burning in the neighboring states of Punjab and Haryana. The smoke emanating from the burning of stubble affects Delhi badly every year. Apart from this, firecrackers that are burst in Diwali also pollute the air of the capital.

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