PM Modi mentioned ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ to the rescue team that returned from Turkey, know its meaning


Turkiye Earthquake Rescue, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Meaning: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today, on Monday, February 20, 2023, interacted with the rescue team of NDRF and other organizations involved in ‘Operation Dost’ in Turkiye. During this, Modi mentioned a verse. Modi ji (PM Modi) said that our culture has taught us ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Said, we consider the whole world as one family. Therefore, when a family member is in trouble, it is India’s duty to help him. Let us know from which Upanishad or book this verse has been taken, what is its meaning and importance.

Meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Shlok)
Where another binds the entire Vasudha i.e. our earth as a family. On the other hand, it emotionally tells man to expand the effect of his thoughts and actions. Vasudev Kutumbakam is the basic mantra of our Sanatan Dharma. Not only in our religion, it is the symbol of our India’s culture. This is the core of the ideology of us Indians at the world level.

In which Upanishad is this verse
Vasudev Kutumbakam is written in Maha Upanishad. It literally means the earth is the family. This verse is taken from Mahopanishad, Adhyay 4, Shloka 74

dharma reels

Ayam Nijah Paro Veti Gana Laghu Chetasam ,
Udarcharitanan tu vasudhaiva kutumbakam ,

ayam – this
nijaḥ — our own
paro wa – or paraya
Laghuchetsam – of the small hearted
udacharitanam – generous, large, noble hearted
Vasudhaiva – Earth itself
kutumbakam – family

In other words- This is mine, this is his, narrow minded people have such thinking. On the contrary, for people with liberal character, this entire earth is like a family.

History is the witness that the great thinkers and emperors of India have always tried for the welfare of the whole world. For example. After the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Saria, the way the NDRF jawans did rescue and relief work for 10 days on behalf of India is commendable. Even before this, whenever there was a disaster in the world, India stood ahead in the form of help.

India reflects the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam since ancient times. History is the witness that Indians have always respected the cultures, languages ​​and religions of all the countries and made their own part easily.

read this also: Earthquake: What is the India connection to the devastating earthquake in Turkey? Who is the one who made the dangerous prediction

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