Paush Purnima 2023: Bathing and donating on Paush Purnima wash away all sins, know special coincidence


Paush Purnima 2023 Bathing: The festival of Paush Purnima is on Friday, January 6, 2023. It is also called Shakambhari Purnima (Shakambhari Purnima 2023). The fast of Paush’s full moon is considered very important. Moon is the lord of full moon day. On this day the moon is equipped with its arts. It is believed that Mahalakshmi is worshiped on the night of Paush Purnima. Bathing, charity and penance before sunrise are more fruitful. By taking a bath on this day, all the sins of a person are destroyed. The full moon of Paush in a year is also special because on this day Sun and Moon are worshiped in a special combination. Let us know the coincidence and importance of Sun-Moon worship on Paush Purnima.

Coincidence of sun-moon worship on Paush Purnima (Paush Purnima 2023 Surya chandra Puja)

The month of Paush is dedicated to Sun God, whereas the lord of full moon day is Moon. This rare combination of Sun and Moon takes place only on Paush Purnima. According to the scriptures, this fast starts after offering water to the sun before sunrise on Paush Purnima and in the evening, the fast is broken by worshiping the moon. It is believed that bathing and donating in a special combination of Surya-Chandra Puja removes all the sufferings of a person. Lakshmi arrives in the house and the seeker gets salvation.

sun worship Purnima Tithi is the last day of Paush month. In such a situation, if you want to get the pleasure of the Sun God, then offer Arghya to the Sun in the morning by putting water, kumkum, rice, red flowers in a copper vessel.

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It is believed that if you are not able to worship the Sun in the month of Pausha, then offering water to the Sun on Pausha Purnima gives the same result as worshiping for the whole month. The person gets the boon of longevity and health. Get rid of serious diseases. From this day the first bath of Magh month will also be done.

  • sun worship time 06.56 am – 7.17 am

Moon worship It has been told in the Puranas that to get rid of mental disorders, today on the night of Pausha Purnima, sit in the light of the moon. ‘Om Somay Namah’ Chant the mantra 21 times. Now offer Arghya to the moon. It is believed that moon defect is removed by this. Gets relief from mental and physical stress.

  • moonrise time – Evening 04.32 (worshiping the moon on full moon gives best results)

Tilkut Chauth 2023 Date: When is Tilkut Chauth in January? Note down date, puja time and method

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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