Part-3: This is the new era! 30 thousand high quality children will be born every year without mother’s womb


There is a company, which will produce 30 thousand high quality babies every year. At the moment this is a claim but that company says that this thing will be proved right. We are writing here about ‘high quality’ baby and that is because the company will raise the babies in a machine and not in a woman’s womb. Any couple will have the same rights over these children as their parents. If the parents want, they can also make changes in the genes of the child and decide what will be the color of their child, the color of their hair and eyes. The name of this company, which gives birth to 30 thousand children without mothers in a year, is Ectolife and this company is claiming the help of all those men and women, whose children are unable to be born due to any reason.

The company has 75 labs
Hasim Al Gayali, the scientist of Actolife and the one who started this whole concept, has released a video on Facebook. It has been shown how children will be born through artificial uterus. Hashim Al Gayali is a Biotechnologist and Science Communicator by profession. This thing has been supported by Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Twitter himself. According to a news published in Forbes, Elon Musk has also said that Actolife is the need of the hour and this can happen to have children.

Actolife has told in the video that it has 75 labs with high equipment. There are 400 growth pods in each lab, where babies can grow like in the womb. A baby grows in one of the growth pods. Each growth pod is designed in exactly the same way as the uterus in the mother’s womb. These pods have been called artificial uterus because they give the child an experience exactly like the mother’s womb. It has been told in the video that Actolife has the capacity to ensure the birth of 30,000 children in a year, that too in a very safe way.

Children will be completely safe in artificial womb
The company claims that the children will be completely safe in the artificial womb, as they live in the mother’s womb. Their food and drink, diseases related to them will be taken full care of. Each pod (in which the child will be placed) is connected to a screen where any parent can see the complete progress of their child live. The company has claimed that the child will be completely safe in this pod before the birth of the child.

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‘Bio bag’ was made in 2017
Earlier in the year 2017, scientists had created a “bio bag” which acted as an artificial womb, and they used it to develop a baby lamb. Now, a new concept has been unveiled that shows how the same can be done for humans.

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