Bank Of Maharashtra Recruitment 2023 Registration Begins: If you are looking for a job in a bank, then you can apply for these vacancies in Bank of Maharashtra. The registration link will open from today i.e. 13 July 2023, Thursday. To apply, one has to go to the official website of Bank of Maharashtra, whose address is – bankofmaharashtra.in, These applications started from today will run till 25th July i.e. the last date for filling the form is 25th July 2023. Only online applications can be made for these posts. Applications made through any other means will not be accepted.
so many posts will be filled
A total of 400 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive of Bank of Maharashtra. Out of these, 100 posts are of Officer Scale III and 300 posts are of Officer Scale II. To know other details, you can visit the official website.
What is the eligibility for application
To apply for these posts, it is necessary that the candidate has a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with at least 60 percent marks. This degree can be in any discipline. Talking about the age limit, the age limit for Officer Scale III is 25 to 38 years and for Officer Scale II the age limit has been fixed at 25 to 35 years.
how will be the selection
The selection of candidates for these posts will be done through online examination. Successful candidates will be called for interview. It will be in the ratio of 1:4 according to their ranking. Marks have been fixed for online exam and interview 150 and 100. They will be seen in the ratio of 75:25.
The application fee for general category is Rs 1180. The fee for reserved category is Rs 118. Click here to view the notice.
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