One, two or three…how many eggs is it okay to eat in a day? Know the correct answer here


How Many Eggs Should I Eat A Day: Low eggs are definitely consumed in every corner of the world. Most of the people have this favorite breakfast. At the same time, fitness freaks also consume eggs to get protein. Overall, there are many benefits of eating eggs. It proves helpful from the development of muscles to protecting the body from diseases. But now the question is how many eggs should be eaten in a day, is it safe to eat eggs daily. We have brought answers to all the questions for you.

How many eggs are good to eat in a day?

According to experts, a healthy person should consume two to three eggs daily. Healthy people can consume 7 to 10 eggs in a week. Those who are athletes or do workouts, they need more protein, then such people can eat four to five eggs. Those who consume eggs daily, they should eat only the white part of the egg. Apart from this, people who are suffering from heart disease should not eat more than two eggs in a day. While egg promotes good cholesterol, but still people who have cholesterol problem should reduce the intake of eggs or consult a doctor. Should be done only on the advice of.

Know about the benefits of eggs

  • Benefits of eating eggs
  • Beneficial for skin hair and nails
  • Strengthens the Immune System
  • Increases eyesight
  • improves memory
  • Strengthens bones
  • meat repairs muscles
  • beneficial for heart health

Keep these things in mind

If you are a patient of high blood pressure, then you should avoid the consumption of eggs. But if you take out its yellow part and eat it, then there is less chance of harm from it. Because there is fat in the yellow part, which can harm people with high BP. People who have diabetes, they should include eggs in the diet only after asking the doctor. On the other hand, if you consume eggs in excess, then it Can increase heat in the body and due to this your stomach can also get upset.
Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or related expert.


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