Number not found in Bihar Board 12th exam as per your wish, fill the form for copy recheck like this


Bihar Board 12th Result 2023: Bihar Board 12th result has come. Those students who are not happy with their result and feel that they have not got the number according to the way they had written their copy… So they can get their copy rechecked now. However, for this one has to go through the whole process. Let us tell you in this article today what the students who want to get their copy rechecked after the result will have to do.

How to fill scrutiny form for Bihar Board 12th

Some people also call copy recheck as scrutiny. After the declaration of 12th result in Bihar Board, there are many students who want to recheck their copies of some subjects. If you are also among those students, then first of all you have to visit the official website of Bihar Board, After this you have to click on the link of Scrutiny or Copy Recheck.

As soon as you click on this link, a window will open where you will have to enter your roll number, registration number and roll code. After this an ID will be generated for you, through which you will have to login in this window for copy recheck. After logging in, select the subject for which you want to recheck the copy and then submit it after filling the form fee. You can use credit card, debit card or net banking and UPI to pay the form fee. Let us tell you that the form fee that will be charged for copy rechecking will be Rs 70 per copy.

What to do if you want to fill the compartment

If you are a student of Bihar Board and you have got less than 33% marks in any one or two subjects, then you can take part in the compartment exam conducted by Bihar Board. The only condition for appearing in this exam is that you fail in maximum two subjects only. If you fail in more than two subjects then you cannot appear in the compartment exam. To appear in the compartment exam, you have to follow these steps-

  • Step 1- To fill the form for compartment exam, you must first login to
  • Step 2- Enter User ID and Password then enter captcha code and click on login.
  • Step 3- A dashboard will open, click on Pre-Examination.
  • Step 4- Click on “Student Examination Form”.
  • Step 5- Then select Faculty – Category Compartmental and Registration Type – Regular Pvt.
  • Step 6- A list of students will be shown then find your name in it.
  • Step 7- Then student’s profile will open, upload students photo and signature and click on submit/save.

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