WhatsApp New Features: WhatsApp has been giving new and great features to its users for some time now. Now the popular instant messaging app has introduced an additional shortcut for its users regarding Disappearing Messages. WhatsApp has launched this shortcut as a space saving tool. At present, this feature has been rolled out only for some beta users, but it is expected that very soon the shortcut feature of disappearing messages will be introduced for all users. The new shortcut section of the disappearing message will be found in Manage Storage. With this, it will be easy to keep new and old chats as disappearing threats. Let’s talk about it in detail.
whatsapp disappearing message shortcut
WABetainfo, a website that closely monitors all the upcoming features of Meta-owned WhatsApp, has recently presented its report. According to the report, the shortcut feature of the disappearing message has been rolled out for some beta testers. Some time ago news came out that the WhatsApp Disappearing Message section is being redesigned for the Android update. With the introduction of this new section, users will now be able to easily mark old and new chats as disappearing threads. The disappearing messages feature was available to many users since update Now with the update, WhatsApp is giving some beta testers a separate shortcut for disappearing messages.
Where to find shortcut?
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WABetainfo has shared a screenshot in its report. According to the screenshot, this shortcut will be given in the Manage Storage section, a Tool to save Space will be shown in the Manage Storage section. There you will see this option. You can also use this feature to automatically delete media after a certain time. Apart from this, you can change the setting of disappearing messages at any time by going inside the privacy setting. Apart from this, you can also use it by going to Chat Info.
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