Not only love-life but also your health and beauty rose

Health Benefits Of Rose: When it comes to expressing love, the first flower that comes to mind is the rose. Till a time it was believed that only boys propose to a girl with a rose flower in their hands and sitting on their knees! However, times have changed and girls have gone ahead and proposed their own way of proposing the prince of their dreams… Now it is not surprising to see a girl proposing to a boy sitting on her knees with a red rose in her hand! Even though there was a change in the custom, but if it did not change, then the ‘red rose’. Well, this red rose is top not only in the matter of showing love but also in the matter of improving health. How? Know here…

Daily health benefits

  • Rose is a flower rich in Vitamin-C. Vitamin-C is found especially in its leaves. By making their tea and drinking it, immunity increases.
  • Not only Vitamin-C but Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B3, Vitamin-D, and Vitamin-E etc. are also found in rose flower.
  • The fruit that is under the rose petals, many nutrients are found together in it. For example, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, sulphur, manganese and iron etc.

Now it comes to know how we can use rose flower.

  • rose flower tea
  • making gulkand
  • making rose pudding
  • adding rose petals to kheer
  • using rose water
  • Using rose water and flowers to make sweets

From which diseases rose flower protects

  • Prevents heart problems
  • prevents depression
  • Avoiding anxiety
  • Protects against skin and stomach infections
  • Prevents constipation.
  • chest tightness relief

Appreciating beauty, ignoring virtues

  • The beauty of the rose flower is praised everywhere, but its medical qualities are either not talked about at all or are rarely talked about. But rose is used in many mental and physical therapies.
  • The leaves of the rose flower and the fruit below the leaves are all used. There are more than 100 species and colors of roses. This is an ornamental flower, which is very much liked by women to apply it in their hair or wear other jewelery made of it. On the other hand, men like to wear it in sherwani and coat. Its fragrance relaxes the brain.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Why is that ‘special one’ given only a beautiful smelling red rose…there are thousands of other types of flowers?

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