Obesity Side Effects In Children: Obesity is not counted in the category of disease. But it is not less than any disease. Because of this, there is a risk of hypertension, blood pressure, cancer and many other diseases. But the danger of these diseases is usually seen only for the elders. But do you know that the risk of obesity is to the elders. Do children also face the same danger? Will try to know this today. World Obesity Day is celebrated across the world on 4 March. People are also made aware about the danger of obesity. In such a situation, it is necessary that where elders become ill due to obesity. At the same time, it is also necessary to take care of the children.
Children can come in the grip of diabetes
Diabetes is not just a disease of elders. Due to bad lifestyle and genetic changes, this disease is also reaching children. Doctors say that people who have children are overweight. They are more at risk of developing diabetes than children with healthy weight. They are more likely to get type 2 diabetes.
There is a risk of heart diseases
There is a risk of heart disease in overweight people. The main reason behind this is the increase in bad cholesterol. Due to increase in cholesterol, fat gets deposited in the coronary artery. Due to this, there is an obstruction in the blood supplied to the heart. But the situation of cholesterol accumulation in children becomes even more serious. High blood pressure makes the coronary artery of children weak. This can also lead to the risk of heart attack and stroke.
May be liver problem
Due to increase in obesity, liver problems can occur in children. This is called fatty liver. In this, extra fat starts accumulating on the liver. Due to which the work of liver is badly affected. The result would be that the child starts having digestive problems. Nutrients are not available to the body due to non-digestion of food. Due to this, his development also starts getting obstructed.
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