Nirjala Ekadashi will be celebrated on May 31 in Sarvartha Siddhi and Ravi Yoga, know the auspicious time and fasting method


Nirjala Ekadashi 2023: Nirjala Ekadashi fast will be observed on May 31, 2023, Wednesday. On this day Nirjala Ekadashi will be celebrated in Sarvartha Siddhi and Ravi Yoga. Let us know the importance of worshiping Tulsi on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, as well as the story of Nirjala fast and the yoga performed on this day.

Sarvartha Siddhi and Ravi Yoga
Astrologer Vyas told that on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi Savarth Siddhi Yoga and Ravi Yoga are being formed. on 31 may Sarvartha Siddhi from 05:24 in the morning Yoga is being made. Which is till 06:00 in the morning. Ravi Yoga also from 05:24 am to 06:00 am It’s only till o’clock.

Tulsi Poojan on Nirjala Ekadashi

dharma reels

  • The worship of Tulsi has been going on in Hinduism for a long time.
  • Tulsi plant is specially worshiped in Hindu homes.
  • Tulsi is specially worshiped on all Ekadashi days.
  • On the other hand, if we talk about Nirjala Ekadashi, then Lord Vishnu is worshiped on this day and Tulsi is very dear to Lord Vishnu, therefore Tulsi worship is very important on this day.
  • Tulsi is considered the symbol of Goddess Lakshmi. Gods and Goddesses reside in the house where there is a Tulsi plant.

Bhim had kept Nirjala Ekadashi fast (Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha)
According to the story, Bhimsen used to feel more hungry.
Because of which he never used to fast. But they also wanted that after death they should get salvation, they should get virtue. They wanted that there should be such a fast, by observing which they would be free from sin and would also get salvation. Then he was asked to observe Nirjala Ekadashi fast. On the suggestion of the sages, he kept the fast of Nirjala Ekadashi. Due to the virtuous effect of fasting and the grace of Vishnu, he became free from sin and finally attained salvation.

Do this work on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi (Do This on Nirjala Ekadashi)

  • On the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, by mixing saffron in milk and doing Abhishek, the grace of Lord Vishnu remains.
  • Reciting Vishnu Sahastra on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi removes all the defects of the horoscope.
  • On the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, it rains money by using yellow things to Lord Vishnu.
  • Reciting the Gita on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi while sitting in front of the idol of Lord Vishnu receives the blessings of the ancestors.
  • The worship of Lord Vishnu is not complete without Tulsi. That’s why on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, make sure to use Tulsi in offering to Lord Vishnu.

Do not do this mistake on Nirjala Ekadashi (Don’t Do this on Nirjala Ekadashi)

  • Mother Tulsi is called Vishnu Priya. According to the scriptures, water should not be offered to Tulsi on Ekadashi.
  • Due to this, they become partakers of sin because on this day Tulsi also observes waterless fast of Ekadashi.
  • Don’t offer Akshat to Vishnu ji in worship.
  • Rice is prohibited in the worship of Shri Hari.

Nirjala Ekadashi Muhurat
Ekadashi date starts – May 30 at 1:32 pm
Ekadashi date ends – May 31 at 1:36 pm
The passage of Nirjala Ekadashi – will be on June 01 from 05:24 am to 08:10 am.

Nirjala Ekadashi Pooja Vidhi

  • Wake up early in the morning and take bath etc.
  • Light a lamp in the temple of the house.
  • Abhishek Lord Vishnu with Ganges water.
  • Offer flowers and basil leaves to Lord Vishnu.
  • If possible, keep a fast on this day as well.
  • Do aarti of God. Offer food to God.
  • Keep in mind that only pure things are offered to God.
  • Must include Tulsi in Lord Vishnu’s Bhog, without Tulsi Lord Vishnu does not take Bhog.
  • Along with Lord Vishnu, worship Goddess Lakshmi on this auspicious day.
  • Meditate more and more on God on this day.

Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Vidhi

  • Wake up early in the morning, take a bath after your routine and take a vow of fasting.
  • After this Lord Vishnu should be worshipped.
  • Remember God, meditate and chant throughout the day.
  • After fasting for the whole day and one night, the next morning after sunrise, worship should be done and food should be given to the poor and Brahmins.
  • After this, one should also take prasad after offering food to God.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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