Neither the cost of parlor nor the tension of chemicals, just applying this white thing will make your face look like pearls.


Glowing Skin Tips : Nowadays, to make the face beautiful, different types of expensive beauty products have come in the market. They are being used indiscriminately. But these products are chemical ones, which can also harm the skin. If you want to make your skin glowing without these products, then a white thing can help you. You don’t even need to go anywhere for this. It is available only in the kitchen of the house. Just use it if needed.

This kitchen item will make your face beautiful

The white thing we are talking about is Baking Soda… It is also called sodium bicarbonate in chemical language. It is used to bake food and enhance its taste. It is also used as a beauty product. This is one of the best options to bring glow on the face.

Get glowing with baking soda

1. Take the peel of two oranges with one tablespoon of baking soda.

2. Prepare a paste by putting it in a mixer grinder.

3. Now apply this paste on the face like a face mask.

4. Keep it like this for about 15 minutes and when it dries, take water and massage it with light hands.

5. Now wash the face with clean water and wipe it with a towel.

get rid of pimples

If you are troubled by the problem of acne, then baking soda can get rid of your problem. Prepare a paste by adding water to it and apply it on the pimples. Massage it with fingers and wash your face with cold water. The effect will be visible in a few days.

Pay attention while using baking soda.

Baking soda is considered very effective to enhance the face and make it beautiful, but it should never be applied directly on the skin. Otherwise, instead of profit, the face may have to suffer loss.

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