IRCTC Account Link with Aadhaar Card: With the changing times, the number of smartphones and internet users in the country has increased rapidly. Nowadays people avoid standing in long lines to do any work and easily do that work from their smartphone or laptop. The name of Indian Railways comes in the world’s largest rail network. Every day lakhs of people travel by train to their destination.
There was a time when people had to stand in long queues for hours to get train tickets, but now they can easily book railway tickets by visiting the website of Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (Railway Ticket Through IRCTC). can do.
These facilities are available by linking IRCTC account with Aadhaar
By creating your account on IRCTC, you can easily book your ticket sitting at home only through IRCTC App or website. If a user does not link his account with IRCTC, then he gets the facility to book only 12 tickets in a month. On the other hand, if you link Aadhar card with IRCTC, then the number of ticket booking doubles i.e. you can book up to 24 tickets in a month instead of 12. If you also want to book from one month to 24 tickets, then you can link both of them by following the process mentioned by us.
How to link Aadhaar with IRCTC-
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- To link both, first click on the official website of IRCTC http://www.irctc.co.in.
- After this click on My Account option and next click on the option of Link Your Aadhaar.
- After this, you fill the details of the Aadhaar number.
- After this click on the option of Send OTP.
- Next, OTP will come on your registered mobile number, which should be filled.
- After this you will see the Verify button. Click on it. After this your Aadhaar verification process will be completed.
- After this your IRCTC account will be linked with Aadhaar.
- Next you will be sent the Confirmation Link on your email.
- From here you log out.
- After that check your status. Then you can book tickets by logging into the account.
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