Muscle-building protein shakes can cause death, experts warn after 16-year-old’s death


Are Protein Shakes Really Healthy?: The trend of protein shake is increasing gradually. Most people like to drink protein shake after a workout. Everyone from child to elder is involved in this hobby. But it is also important to know whether these shakes are really healthy for everyone. These questions are arising after the death of a 16-year-old child. The cause of whose death is believed to be a genetic condition triggered by the protein shake. The name of the victim of this incident is Rohan Godhania. The one who got sick for three days after drinking protein shake and then got brain damage. This is the matter of the year 2020. After this, it was found in the investigation that due to that protein shake, a genetic disease named Ornithine Transcarbamylase was born in that child.

effect of high protein

Based on the medical report of this child, it was believed that due to high amount of protein in the body, a rare genetic disease named Ornithine Transcarbamylase developed. This rare disease stops the breakdown of ammonia in the body. And ammonia goes on increasing in the blood. Experts believe that after the process of digestion of protein shake, many types of waste materials are formed in the body. who can make such an impact.

Citing the report of coroner Tom Osborne in this regard, experts have been warned that a warning should be written on protein powders in this regard.

Should I drink protein shake or not?

After this case, health experts are of the opinion that before drinking protein shake, it should be known how much the body needs it. Be it gym goers or people who drink protein shakes without workout, excessive consumption can be harmful for everyone. Take natural protein as much as possible. If you drink protein shake, then use it only after understanding the need of the body.

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