MPPSC SSE Result 2020 Declared: Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission has released the result of State Service Main Examination 2020. Those candidates who have given this exam can check the result from the official website. To see the result, the candidates will have to visit the official website of MPPSC, whose address is – mppsc.mp.gov.in, Let us inform that the MPPSC SSE Main Exam 2020 was conducted last year from 24 to 29 April 2023.
Selected candidates will now give personality test
A total of 698 candidates have been selected in the written examination. These candidates will now go for Interview/Personality Test. The roll number of these selected candidates will be given in the result, which they can check on the website.
Follow these steps to see the result
- To check the result, first of all go to the official website i.e. – mppsc.mp.gov.in.
- Here a link will be given on the homepage on which it will be written – Writtem Exam Result – State Service Main Exam 2020. Click on it.
- By doing this a new page will open. The result of MPPSC SSE Mains exam in the form of merit list can be seen on this page.
- Check the result from here, download it and take a print out if you want.
- This print may be useful for you in future.
- A total of 260 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive. These selected candidates will get appointment in various departments of the state government.
You can click on this direct link to see the result.
The answer key of this exam has also been released
The answer key of All India Bar Examination 17 has been released. Those candidates who have given this exam can check the answer key from the official website. To do this, they have to visit the official website of AIBE, whose address is – allindiabarexamination.com.
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