Mother Lakshmi will reside at home with happiness and prosperity, according to Garuda Purana, do this work regularly in the morning


Garuda Purana Niti Granth: Every person has the desire to get money. But only that person remains full of wealth and happiness-prosperity, on whom the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth remain. It is said that the house where Goddess Lakshmi resides, there is never any shortage of money. Some such works have been told in Garuda Purana, which have a positive impact in life. According to Garuda Purana, by doing these works every morning, positive energy resides in the house and Goddess Lakshmi is pleased. With this the diseases and defects of the house go away and happiness and prosperity comes.

regularize these tasks

  • Worship of family deities The house where worship is done every morning, one never faces any problem there. It has been told in Garuda Purana that every person must worship the family deity or family deity regularly. Due to this, happiness-prosperity remains at home and financial problems go away.
  • Cook food after bathAccording to the Garuda Purana, the kitchen is considered a very sacred place in Hinduism. That’s why enter the kitchen only after taking bath in the morning and prepare food. Along with this, worship the kitchen before cooking and offer bhog to whatever food is cooked. With this, the blessings of Maa Lakshmi always remain at your home.
  • Make worship regular According to Garuda Purana, one should regularly worship the Gods and Goddesses located in the temple of the house. Water should be offered to Tulsi except Sundays and religious texts should be recited. This brings positivity in life.
  • Feed bread to cow and dog It has been told in Garuda Purana that when you make roti for home, feed the first roti to the cow and feed the last roti to the dog. Due to this, along with Maa Lakshmi, the grace of Shani Dev also remains at home.

read this also: Friday Upay: Worship these 4 trees on Friday, Maa Lakshmi will come running, money crisis will go away

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