More than 10 lakh lives are being lost every year due to lack of correct identification of the disease, this report will surprise you


health reports : Due to lack of correct identification of diseases, more than 10 lakh deaths are happening every year. Health experts also believe that this problem is being found all over the world. According to an estimate, more than 7.95 lakh people are dying every year in America alone due to misdiagnosis of diseases. Some people are even losing one or the other part of themselves. One of the reasons for this is the non-detection of dangerous diseases like cancer. According to the doctor, the top number among the wrongly diagnosed diseases comes from stroke. This is quite deadly. The risk of problems like heart attack, infection and cancer is being found in 3 out of every 4.

Misdiagnosis and treatment of diseases is dangerous

Not being able to identify a disease properly can cause problems. A study by a team of health experts found that 11% of medical problems are due to misdiagnosis. However, depending on different diseases, it can be much higher. This study found that the misdiagnosis of heart attack is only 1.5%. However, the risk of spinal cord problems can be up to 62%.

what does the study say

According to this research report published in BMJ Quality and Safety Journal, it is important for both the patient and the doctor. David Newman Toker, director and researcher at the Center for Diagnostic Excellence, says that if mistakes like non-detection of stroke, sepsis, pneumonia and lung cancer are reduced by 50%, then up to 1.5 lakh deaths can be reduced every year.

What the health expert has to say

According to experts, failure to identify the problem in time is most commonly seen in stroke patients, which is also fatal. This is not a big problem for any one country but for the whole world. That’s why serious symptoms of patients need to be given serious attention.

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