Menopause: Women are getting ‘menopause’ at the age of 23, do not take it lightly


menopauseJust imagine, if you come to know that at the age of 23, your periods have stopped, then how would you feel? Of course it would feel bad. But the matter of concern here is that many women are facing menopause after the age of 20. Yes you are listening right. Emma Delaney, So-Myat and Elspeth are three such women who have faced menopause at the age of 25, 23, 23. Emma tells that it is the year 2013. A consultant after seeing my medical file told that I have ‘menopause’ in 25 years. Emma became worried about the fact that now she would never be able to become a mother.

Emma is part of a group of women with a condition called ‘primary ovarian insufficiency’ (POI) who are going through menopause under the age of 40. About one in 100 women in the UK are affected by this condition at menopause. Experts believe that its cases can be more. But this is an issue that is rarely discussed. So-Myt Noe, a 23-year-old London graphic design student, says her menopause has come as a result of cancer treatment. Earlier this year, he came to know that he has third stage bowel cancer. The radiation given to her pelvic region damaged her ovaries.

causes of premature menopause

At the same time, 23-year-old Elspeth Wilson understands all this very well. When she was only 15 years old, she was diagnosed with POI. Difficulty with sex was one obstacle they’ve navigated throughout their dating lives. She says that it is very difficult to be in a relationship with someone in which there is no love. Because your body does not agree to it and some things are also uncomfortable. There are many reasons for premature menopause, such as surgery in the ovary, radiation given in some disease, excessive drinking and smoking, chemotherapy and heredity.

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symptoms of menopause

If you are also seeing symptoms of pre-menopause, then contact the doctor immediately. Because it can also be a big problem. Irregular periods, loss of sex drive, mood swings, loss of urine control, etc. can be symptoms of pre-menopause.

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