Kithchen Cleaing Tips: Every corner of the house is cleaned on Diwali, but most of the time and effort is spent in cleaning the kitchen. There are many such things in the kitchen, from the fridge to the mixer and from the chimney to the microwave, which are difficult to clean. In such a situation, polishing the kitchen is not less than a challenge, but now you do not have to worry at all.
We are telling you some such tips that will clean your kitchen in minutes. This will make all the appliances in your kitchen sparkle like new. Let’s know how to clean the kitchen.
Clean chicken like this before Diwali
Microwave- Due to continuous use of microwave, many times it starts smelling. That’s why the microwave should be cleaned from time to time. Use lemon for this. Take water in a bowl and squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it. Put this water in the microwave and turn on the cleaning button of the microwave. When the microwave is turned off, clean it from the inside with a cloth. With this the microwave will be completely clean and it will start shining like new.
fridge- The fridge is used the most. So keep cleaning it. Before Diwali, use baking soda or lemon juice for deep cleaning of the fridge. Take warm water in a bowl and add some Vim gel and white vinegar to it. Fill this solution in a spray bottle and clean the fridge with it. This will also remove the smell of the fridge.
Mixi- You can clean the mixer with vinegar. Mix some water in about 2 teaspoons of vinegar and stir the mixer. This will clear the jar completely. If you want, you can also clean the mixer by making a paste with baking powder and water. Put this paste in the mixer for 15 minutes and then clean the mixer.
chimneys- Chimney is the most dirty in the kitchen. Use caustic soda to clean the chimney. Put hot water in the tub and put the filters of the chimney. Add caustic soda to it and leave it for 1 hour. Remove the filter from the water and clean it with the help of a brush by adding surf.
gas- Although the gas is cleaned daily, but Diwali Before deep cleaning, clean it by mixing liquid soap and baking soda. Spread it well with the help of a sponge and leave it for 2-4 minutes. Afterwards, wipe it clean.
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