Healthy Lifestyle Tips: The kind of lifestyle we are following nowadays is making us ill. Diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity are becoming common. Bad lifestyle is giving rise to these diseases and diet promotes these diseases. You can stay healthy by making a little change in your habits. By changing your daily routine, you can avoid diabetes and heart related diseases to a great extent. In a media report, Dietician Manpreet has given some easy formulas regarding healthy life. They say that if 5 things are removed from your kitchen, then you can avoid many diseases. Let’s know…
Remove these 5 things from the kitchen, choose other options
Use of cold pressed oil, not processed oil
Processed vegetable oil is used in most of the kitchens. It contains many types of chemicals and high polysaturated fat. Instead you should use cold pressed vegetable oil.
Use jaggery or coconut sugar instead of sugar
White sugar being refined harms health. That’s why you can use jaggery or coconut sugar instead. It keeps you healthy.
fresh fruit not fruit juice
Fruit juice is not a bad thing, but the amount of fiber in it is very low and carbohydrates are high. Because of this, it can increase the risk of diabetes. This is the reason why fresh fruits should be consumed instead of fruit juice. This keeps you fit and fine. The mood also remains excellent.
Say goodbye to refined flour, use millet flour
If you use refined flour, then tell you that fiber comes out of it. Due to which it is less beneficial. Instead of this you can use coarse grain flour. It is easily digested and does not allow blood sugar to rise.
Eliminate Frozen Vegetables, Bring Fresh Vegetables
If you eat fresh vegetables, you will never fall ill. However, keeping pre-prepared vegetables in the freeze and using them for a long time can be dangerous. Due to this the nutrients of the vegetables get destroyed. Some frozen vegetables are such that salt or sugar is used to keep them fresh for a long time. That’s why fresh vegetables should be eaten instead of frozen vegetables.
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