What is the right age for school admission: The Ministry of Education has instructed all the states and union territories that the age of starting school should be fixed at 6 years and children below 6 years should not be admitted in class 1. This is under the National Education Policy which states that children should be admitted late and they should be at least 6 years old when they are in Class I. Everyone has their own opinion about this but what is the right age for children to start school? Let us know.
what does the study say
Most schools in India start giving admission to children from the age of 2.5 years, but this age is not an indication that this is the right age for admission. A Stanford University study has shown that parents who get their child admission in school late have more chances of performing better. According to the PTI report, by the time these children are 7 or 11 years old, their test scores are also good and their self-control is also good.
what does the court say
Last year, the Supreme Court also agreed that it is necessary for the psychological and mental health of children that they should not be sent to school at a very young age. Since the final decision in this matter is of the State or UT, it is necessary that they give their opinion about it. Most of the schools come under the domain of the state or UT, so comments have been invited from them.
what does the report say
As per the report, it is observed that 14 States/UTs have taken admission in Class I at the age of 5+ while 22 States have taken the admission at the age of 6+. The government had said this in the Lok Sabha last year. This leads to wrong reporting of enrollment of children.
What does NEP say
Under the new education policy, the foundational stage should consist of five years, in which all students should get learning opportunities. In this, three years of pre school and after that class one and two should come. The ministry has asked the states and UTs to consider a policy of fixing the age of admission in class one to one year.
Read also: Now your child will not be admitted before 6 yearsNo
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