Last date for objection on CSIR UGC NET answer key is today, know what is the update regarding the result


CSIR UGC NET 2023 Answer Key Objection: NTA had released the answer key of CSIR UGC NET Exam 2023 some time back. Objection has been invited from the candidates on this. After considering the objections, the final answer key will be released. The last date to object to the answer key of CSIR UGC NET Exam 2023 is today i.e. June 16, 2023, Friday. Those candidates who wanted to object to this answer key but could not do so due to any reason can raise objections now. After today they will not get this chance.

object to this website

Candidates will have to visit the official website to raise objections on the answer key of CSIR UGC NET Exam 2023. To do this, the address of the official website is –, The direct link to object is also given below.

To raise objections, candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs 200 per question. This fee is non-refundable i.e. it will not be refunded. The more questions you object to, the more fees you will have to pay. The answer key was released on June 14.

What is the update regarding the result

After receiving the objections on the provisional answer key, the final answer key will be released and after that the results will be released. Confirmed information has not been given about this yet, but if media reports are to be believed then the result should be released by the first date of July. Keep checking the website from time to time for the latest updates.

Object like this

  • To object, first go to the official website i.e.
  • Here on the homepage CSIR UGC NET 2023 Answer Key Challenge link will be given, click on it.
  • As soon as you do this, enter your login details on the new page that opens and submit it.
  • Now click on the question you want to object and write its answer.
  • Now pay the fees and submit it.
  • Once processed, download the hardcopy. This will come in handy later.

To object, go to this direct link.

Read also: Release of final answer key of NEET UG exam 2023

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