MP Police Constable Registration Last Date: The last date to apply for Madhya Pradesh Police Constable Recruitment 2023 is today. Today i.e. July 10, 2023, the application link will be closed after Monday. Those candidates who have not been able to fill the form due to some reason, they should apply as soon as possible. Only online applications can be made for more than seven thousand posts of MP Police Constable. To do this, you have to visit the official website of Madhya Pradesh State Examination Board, whose address is – esb.mp.gov.in, Applications are being accepted from June 26 and will close today.
Who can apply
Tenth pass candidates from any recognized board can apply for these posts. As far as the age limit is concerned, candidates between 18 to 28 years are eligible to apply. Through this recruitment drive, a total of 7090 posts of constables will be recruited in Madhya Pradesh Police.
how will be the selection
The selection on these posts of police constable will be done after passing several stages of examination. First the written test will be conducted, then there will be Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and finally medical examination will be conducted. The selection of the candidates who pass all the stages will be final.
Multiple choice questions will come in the written test. 100 meters, 800 meters race and long jump will be conducted in PET. After this, the physical fitness of the candidates will be checked through the medical examination.
will have to pay this much fee
To apply, the general category candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs 500, while the fee for the reserved category is Rs 250. Before applying and filling the form, know the details only then apply.
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