Know where the first patient of diabetes was found, this was the first problem


Changing food habits and living habits are the product of many new serious diseases. Due to bad lifestyle, people are getting many diseases today. One of these serious diseases is diabetes. World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14 November. It is celebrated on the date of birth of Sir Frederick Banting. Sir Frederick Benting along with Charles Herbert discovered the hormone insulin. According to a report, today around 463 million people are suffering from diabetes disease around the world. Surprisingly, 90% of these figures have type 2 diabetes. Cases of type 2 diabetes have been seen more in women.

What is diabetes?

Simply put, diabetes is a disease when there is a lack of insulin in the pancreas of the body. Due to lack of insulin, the amount of glucose in the blood starts increasing and this is called diabetes. Insulin is a type of hormone produced by the digestive gland inside the body, which works to convert our food into energy.

First diabetes patient found in this country

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Probably very few people will know that in which country the first diabetes patient was found. Let us tell you that the first case of diabetes was found in Egypt in 1550 BC. For the first time it was recognized as a disease in Egypt.

first symptom of illness

The symptom of frequent urination of the patient was said to be the first symptom of diabetes.

Theme of World Diabetes Day 2022

Every year a different theme is decided for Diabetes Day. This year the theme of Diabetes Day is Access to Diabetes Education.

Read this also:

Diabetes: Symptoms of diabetes in women are different from men, recognize them

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