Kharmas 2022: Manglik works will be banned from 16 December 2022. On this day at around 10 o’clock the Sun will leave Scorpio and enter Sagittarius, the zodiac sign of Jupiter, after which Kharmas will start. Kharmas will end on Makar Sankranti on January 14, 2023. When Sun is in the sign of Jupiter, then that period is called Gurvaditya, which is forbidden for auspicious works. Do you know why it is called Kharmas. Let us know why Kharmas is considered inauspicious and how it got its name.
Why auspicious works are not done in Kharmas?
According to the scriptures, when Sun enters Jupiter’s zodiac sign Sagittarius and Pisces, then during this time he remains in the service of his Guru, in such a situation the effect of Sun decreases. Along with this, due to the Sun, the strength of the planet Jupiter also becomes weak. It is necessary for both these planets to be strong for auspicious work. This is the reason that auspicious works do not fructify in this, hence it is considered an inauspicious month.
Story of Kharmas
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According to the legend, the Sun God riding on his 7 horses is always in motion. He continuously circumambulates the universe, due to which everything remains dynamic. According to the rule, Surya cannot stop even for a moment because if he becomes motionless then there will be a problem for life. Once Surya was circumambulating the universe on his chariot, then his horses got tired in the rainy season and stopped at a pond to drink water.
That’s why the speed of the sun slows down
Surya Dev knew that his stay even for a moment can create trouble in the world. In such a situation, he added two khar i.e. donkeys standing on the banks of the pond to his chariot and again went for parikrama. Donkeys could not match horses in walking. Because of this the speed of the Sun slows down. Sun God rides on the chariot of donkeys for a whole month, hence it is called Kharmas.
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