Keep eating raita of Makhana in summer… not only the taste will increase but it is also very good for health


Makhana Raita Benefits: We all are aware of the benefits of Makhana. This gives many benefits to health. You can include it in the diet in many ways. Like eating roasted makhana or eating raw makhana. In the summer season, make raita of Makhana and eat it… It will cool down the stomach and will also keep you healthy. Makhana contains the amount of calcium, magnesium, carbs, protein. It is gluten free. By eating this, the amount of cholesterol and sodium remains under control. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties are also found in it, so let us know what are the benefits of eating Makhana Raita and what is the recipe for making it.

benefits of eating makhana raita

  • Eating raita of Makhana keeps the digestive system correct. The problem of indigestion goes away. Get rid of the problem of gas and constipation.
  • Makhana’s raita is rich in antioxidants. It is considered beneficial for the heart. Due to this, the problem of cholesterol level high blood pressure is also controlled.
  • Makhana’s raita keeps blood sugar under control because its glycemic index is very low.
  • Makhana Raita during pregnancy is beneficial for both the mother and the baby. With this, pregnant women get essential nutrients. Physical weakness goes away. It also relieves fatigue.
  • Makhana Raita can provide relief in the problem of vomiting during pregnancy.
  • A lot of calcium is found in Makhana, which works to strengthen the bones. It can also cure the problem of bone pain and arthritis.
  • If you feel weak and lethargic, you can eat raita of Makhana. The proteins, carbs, calcium present in it help in providing energy to the body.

Makhana Raita Recipe

To make raita, take curd in a bowl and add makhana to it and leave it for some time. On the other hand, put green chilies, black pepper, coriander, tomato, salt, chaat masala and mint in another bowl. Now prepare a wonderful raita by mixing makhana and all these things. You can consume it with food. It looks really awesome.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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