Juhi Parmar: In this dazzling world today every person wants to make himself look beautiful. People take various measures to keep themselves beautiful. Some people go to the gym for a good body, some use beauty products for good skin, while some people maintain their glow through home remedies. You all must have noticed that when you go out in the sun, your hands, feet and face start tanning. People use many types of products to avoid tanning. Some products definitely protect people from the sun for a short time, but as soon as its effect starts to wear off, our body starts getting tan again.
This is how Juhi Parmar takes care of her face
If you go out for a walk in the summer season, then you face the problem of tanning the most. In cities like Delhi-Mumbai, women wear full sleeves and dupatta during the day. There are many products in the market to remove tanning. In some of these products, such chemicals are added which make us fair for some time but, in the long run, they have a negative effect on our body. Today, through this article, we will tell you a home remedy to remove tanning, which actress Juhi Parmar herself follows. The actress has shared this trick on Instagram.
Actually, due to tanning in our body, pigmentation starts appearing in the skin, due to which melanin increases in the body and our skin starts turning black. Actress Juhi Parmar was enjoying a vacation in Goa with her daughter a few days ago. During this, he also had to face tanning. To remove tanning, the actress has shared a home remedy through which you can keep your body beautiful naturally.
essentials for face pack
Gram Flour
coconut oil
coffee powder
Aloe vera gel
make paste like this
1. You will get all these ingredients easily at home. First of all, mix all these things well. After mixing it for 1 to 1.5 minutes, apply it all over the place including your face and neck. Where have you tanned? Leave it like this for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash your hands and face.
2. After a few minutes of applying it, you will see a slight difference in your skin. You will not see 100% result of this paste immediately, but, as you use it daily, your skin will start glowing.
3. Some time back Pooja Nagdev, founder of Intur also shared a home remedy to remove tanning. He told how to remove tan naturally using orange and honey.
Let’s know how to prepare it at home
Prepare this paste to remove tan
turmeric powder
Orange Peel Powder and Honey
make paste like this
Mix all the ingredients well and then gently apply it on the skin. Then leave it for 5 minutes and then wash your hands. The special thing about home remedies is that you do not need to spend much money in this. You get most of the stuff at home, which we all eat and drink in our daily use. Let us tell you that orange contains Hesperidin which reduces pigmentation in the skin. Turmeric is omnipresent. It proves to be effective in making our body look healthy and better.
read this also: 10 minutes daily Surya Namaskar burns so many calories, will look fit and glamorous like Kareena Kapoor
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