The funeral of the longest serving Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe is set to take place next week, despite widespread criticism from Japanese citizens who are questioning the event’s high cost. According to reports, the Japanese government will spend approximately 1.66 billion yen on the event, which is more than the cost of Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral.
Although the actual cost of the Queen’s state funeral has not been disclosed, the Flash article cited the Daily Mirror’s reported figure of £8 million or 1.3 billion yen to compare it to the estimated cost of ex-prime minister Shinzo Abe’s funeral of 1.66 billion yen , reported BBC.
The State Funeral Of Shinzo Abe:
As per a report by BBC, many predict that the actual cost will be much higher, citing examples such as the Tokyo Olympics, which ended up costing $13 billion – nearly double the original estimate.
Others wonder if the cost difference between the two state funerals is due to companies that act as middlemen when Japan hosts large events. When Tokyo-based event organizer Murayama was revealed as the sole bidder – and thus the winner of the 176 million yen contract – for the state funeral, eyebrows were raised because it was the same company Abe used to host an annual cherry blossom party, where he faced cronyism.
According to a recent Kyodo news agency poll, more than 70% of people believe the government spends too much money on funerals. Approximately half of the funds are expected to be spent on tight security, with the remaining third being used to host foreign visitors.
Meanwhile, overseas visitors have been arriving in Japan ahead of Tuesday’s state funeral to meet with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The three-day gathering is being dubbed “funeral diplomacy,” says a BBC report.
As per the report, there are 700 guests from 217 countries, including US Vice President Kamala Harris, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
However, many in Japan have pointed out that the Queen’s state funeral in London attracted the majority of current global leaders, whereas those attending Abe’s are mostly former leaders.
The television coverage of the Queen’s funeral also demonstrated to Japanese viewers Britain’s affection for its former monarch, emphasizing how different the mood is in Japan.
Abe is only the second prime minister in Japanese history to receive a state funeral after his life was cut short at the age of 67. Shinzo Abe was assassinated this July.
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