It is not so necessary to suppress the desire to eat sweets, maintain your figure with these tips


Maintain Your Figure: Whenever it comes to increasing fitness, most people first look at their diet and then decide not to eat sweets… As easy as it is to think, it is as difficult to do. That’s why most of the people are not able to reduce their weight even after wanting and keep on making plans for fitness only.

If you really want to work on your fitness by going beyond planning, then first of all know that to be thin, you do not need to eat bland sweets or drink weak tea-milk. Because you have to avoid refined sugar, saturated sugar and added sugar. Not that there is any need to cut down on the sugar consumed in daily life!

Which sugar to eat and which not?

  • Celebrity fitness expert, dietician and trainer Rujuta Diwekar says that you do not need to stop eating sugar to stay fit, slim or lose weight. Rather, there is a need to take a smart decision by increasing a little information about what to eat and what not to eat. Because to stay fit you do not need to give up sugar but ultra processed sugar and refined sugar.
  • Along with this, keep a healthy lifestyle, sleep on time, wake up on time, walk and do yoga, dance or Zumba. By filling this much, you can keep yourself fit. Now you should know that with which things you keep eating this refined sugar unknowingly. Whereas, they keep distance from sugar and jaggery eaten with tea-milk or traditional sweets.

How does sugar harm?

Refined sugar is used in ultra processed and packaged foods i.e. packaged and packaged foods. Sugar is only a part of it which is discussed, whereas along with sugar in these foods there are many such molecules, which have never been a part of our food but are going into our body as a part of processed food. Added sugar with such molecules harms the body and increases obesity as well as causes many diseases.

Which foods not to eat?
If you want to lose weight or you are completely fit and want to maintain this fitness, then remove these foods from your daily diet and test them only in limited quantities occasionally.

  • nut butter
  • jam
  • cyrilles
  • Biscuit
  • catchups
  • Chocolates
  • cola
  • chips
  • packaged snacks

Which sweet things can you eat?

  • You can eat home-made sweets and sugar added to pudding, tea, milk, etc. Just keep in mind that do not overdo it and be physically active.
  • Keeping these things in mind, if you use a limited amount of sugar in your daily diet, then your weight will also be reduced and you will not have to give up sweets.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or concerned expert.

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