How To Keep Your Intestine Healthy: We all eat many healthy things from dry fruits to green vegetables, fresh fruits to stay healthy in the winter season. So that you do not fall ill due to cold. However, even after eating all these, you have not got the benefit of them if your intestines are not working properly. Therefore, to take complete nutrition of the food you eat and to energize the body, it is necessary that you make your intestines healthy.
To do this, you usually do not need to eat any medicine. Rather, some such things have to be added to your diet, which increase the absorption power of the intestines. Remind you that the food which your liver digests and prepares it in liquid form, your intestines do the work of absorbing nutrients from that liquid. This is how the body gets energy. Learn here, which tasty foods you should eat for healthy intestines…
What to eat to keep intestines healthy?
- buttermilk
- sugar candy
- Ginger
- cow ghee
- Coriander-cumin-fennel tea
When and how to consume?
The 5 things mentioned here, except buttermilk, you can consume all other things at any time of the day. But be it winter or summer, buttermilk should never be consumed after noon. Learn details here…
How to consume buttermilk?
To keep the intestines healthy, consume salted buttermilk after tempering it with mustard oil and asafoetida and cumin. You can drink this buttermilk with lunch or even after half an hour of having food. But consuming buttermilk after noon can increase the problem of body pain.
When and how to eat sugar candy?
Sugar candy is very beneficial in keeping the intestines healthy. A question may come in your mind that what is the difference between sugar candy and sugar? Can’t you eat sugar instead of sugar candy, both look similar, the difference is only in the size of the crystals. In such a situation, for now, just know that there is a slight difference in the process of making them, due to which there is a difference in their taste and properties. If you want to eat something sweet after eating, then you can take sugar candy. You can eat sugar candy with fennel. It can also be used in milk.
Coriander-Cumin and Fennel Tea
You can start your day with this tea. When you feel like drinking tea after half an hour of eating, you can have it. Apart from keeping your intestines healthy, this tea prevents the problem of bloating, keeps away the problem of nausea, controls blood sugar and protects women from period cramps.
Ginger is healthy food for intestines
- You make tea, vegetable and paste of wet ginger and use it in other foods. But when ginger is dried in the shade, then this dried ginger is called dry ginger. Its powder is also used in many Ayurvedic medicines. You can use wet or dry ginger in your daily diet as you want. It helps in cleaning the intestines and keeping it healthy.
- When you cannot keep wet ginger during a journey, keep dry ginger or its powder with you. Mix it with sugar candy and use it after having food. Before going to bed at night, if you eat half a teaspoon mix of dry ginger and sugar candy with milk or hot water, then you will not get sore throat, digestion will be good and there will be no cold related diseases.
cow ghee
For intestinal health and cleaning, you should consume cow’s ghee in your daily diet. Put this ghee on top of pulses and vegetables and eat it. Eat it by putting it in chapati. One teaspoon in the first morning tea or coffee cow ghee Mix and drink. The health of the intestines and the entire digestive system will work in a very cool way. About why the absorption capacity of the intestines decreases and why blisters form in the intestines. by clicking here can read.
Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.
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